Creation of the boarding school in Nouakchott and reception of the first boarders (initially 5 children)

Development of the capacities of the boarding school with the reception of 15 more boarders.

-Creation and organization of a solidarity boutique at the boarding school which sells items from donations collected in France (clothing, supplies, toys, etc.)
The money generated helped cover part of the running costs of the boarding school.
-The Nour association works with residents as well as with the inhabitants of their villages.
-The villagers have benefited from the creation of 6 wells, two of which have a solar pump.
-The creation of a vegetable garden for the women of the village,
-Creation of a Livestock project
10 families each benefited from a pair of dairy goats in order to develop a small educational and nurturing breeding farm. The boarding school accommodates 30 children.

We obtained a donation of ten medical beds which enabled 3 village dispensaries to be equipped.

Implementation of the boarding school extension project.
Construction of the second floor thanks to the financial support of the David Hadida Foundation, the His Adventures association and our private donors

Search for sponsors and partners and welcome new residents and project to create the vegetable garden for the boarding school and acquisition of a minibus for the boarding school